Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Keep Your Grades High During the Holidays

How to Keep Your Grades High During the Holidays How to Keep Your Grades High During the Holidays The holidays are fast approaching, and students are focused more on having fun with family than working on assignments. Its a great time of year for students to have a break from coursework but they still need to complete assignments and study for exams in November and December. There are a few things students can do to keep grades high at this point in the year and students at almost any grade level can benefit. Whether students are working on innovative organizational tools or reviewing challenging material, they can still have a great GPA. 1. Organize assignments due after the holidays In many schools, the term ends sometime in January rather than right before the holiday break. This means students will need to retain information they learned before the holidays for their final exams later in the term. Students tend to forget about school entirely at this point in the year, but its important they stay organized and remember which assignments are due after the holidays. Many teachers allow students to use the holiday break to work on assignments, which receives mixed results. Some students are glad to have the extra time while others feel it ruins the holiday vacation. Whatever the case, its essential for students to make a list of each assignment, the specific due date, and what they need to do step-by-step to complete it on time (READ: Why You Should Book Your San Diego Tutor Now). 2. Review challenging coursework Many students will have a full week off during Thanksgiving and an additional two weeks off during the winter holidays but may not be traveling or busy with family activities. If this is the case, they should consider picking a day or two to focus on material that has been particularly challenging so they can focus on it 100% during a time when they dont have other assignments to complete. Spending one or two afternoons cracking the books dont have to keep students away from fun holiday activities, and it can be a great opportunity to get ahead of the game before the New Year. 3. Make an appointment with your Irvine tutor Many tutors work during holiday breaks and can even give extra sessions for students who need to catch up. This can be a benefit, especially for older students who are applying to college or working on SAT or ACT prep. Other students may simply want an organizational session where the tutor goes through the student’s binder or workbooks and helps them sort out which assignments are complete and which still need some work. Starting school in January can be a lot easier if students stay organized and on track call us today to book your private Irvine tutor for holiday break. 4. Read Students tend to get far behind when it comes to reading chapter books or novels because they read at different paces. If students get too far behind it can become overwhelming and they may not be able to work on assignments at all. Holiday break allows students an opportunity to work on their reading comprehension and get caught up before the start of the new term. Reading is a lot easier when students arent under a tight deadline to finish several chapters the very next day. Students who take a little bit longer to complete reading assignments can even talk to their teacher and ask which books they will be reading in January so they can get ahead of the game. Great news, Orange County! We’ve launched to offer the best online and in-home tutoring in SoCal. Get 50% off your first online or in-home tutoring session with code: SUCCESS. The code is for a limited time only, so book your tutor today! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

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